Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Currently

Wowza! Is it really December 1st?
Where has the time gone?!?
I pray you had a blessed Thanksgiving break full of love and laughter!
My hubby and I just got back from taking our daughter to see Frozen and it was so cute!
Now he has gone to work and she is playing upstairs so I thought I would take a minute to link up with Farley for her Currently Linky!
So here goes:
Listening - Ok, so my daughter has an obsession with her horse toys and her animal toys. She literally cracks me up constantly as she gallops them across the table.. and floor... and bathtub.. and my leg.. and any other surface around!
Let me show you Exhibit A...
So my other points are pretty self explanatory I feel but I did want to share some photos of my favorite tradition!
Have you ever been to ICE!? The past few years we have attended at the Gaylord Palms in Florida but now that we are back in the great state of Texas, we attended at the Gaylord Texan which is by far the prettiest hotel ever!
Here's a few pictures of our outing!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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  1. I LOVE this time of year too :) So glad you are enjoying it with your family - though the ICE exhibit sounds like a chilly trip! #i'malwayscold It sounds fun, though!! Glad to have found your blog on Farley's Currently!!

    The Balancing Act I Call Life

  2. Those ICE exhibits look amazing! What a special treat! I am thrilled to only have 15 days of work as well. Can't wait. Enjoy your time with your family.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. Your baby is so stinkin' cute!!! I am also waiting for my motivation to reappear. Maybe it ran off with yours?
    Funky Fresh Firsties

  4. Oh, the rolley cart! Been there for sure. I've downgraded to a plain old crate (the wheels don't help much when you're on the third floor!), but mine is currently in the car. Among other things, it contains a bag of dirty dish towels that should have been washed, oh, four or five days ago. Oh well, my classes don't cook until Tuesday, guess I still have a little grace time. Boy are they gonna stink once I open up that bag though...
