Saturday, November 2, 2013

What's Your Schedule?!? Linky!

What a fun linky!
I love seeing the schedules of other teachers... it's amazing how different they all can be!
So, I'm linking up with Susan over at
for her What's Your Schedule? Linky!
Here's my main schedule for every day of the week:
My school is departmentalized so I only teach Reading/Writing but I teach it to two classes. That's why you see 1st Class/2nd Class.
I'll also add that our day starts at 7:40 and the bell rings at 7:55 and that's when I let my kiddos into the room. Sometimes I have hall duty (on a rotating basis) during that morning time, but if not, I work in my room for those few extra minutes!
The dismissal part is when we are packing up. I walk my class (and my teaching partner's class) out to the back of the school for parent pick up. Our contractual time for the day is over at 3:10 however I'm am out back until that time and then walk any kiddos I have left up front to be signed in where they wait for their parents.
Every Monday we have a staff meeting from 3:15-5:15 also.
That's pretty much my schedule! Any questions? Is yours super different? I can't wait to see what everyone else's schedules are like!

Pin It!


  1. Do you have a specific block set aside for phonics instruction within your reading blocks?

    1. We have several components for our Reading Block that the district requires us to do: Word Work, Oral Language, Comprehension Focus Lesson, Small Group Guided Reading/Literacy Practice Stations (Centers) and then Writer's Workshop. The phonics is embedded within the Word Work and Oral Language portions and of course centers/guided reading. :)

  2. You have a 2 hour staff meeting every single Monday? I can't imagine what for....
    We have a 30-40 min. staff meeting once a month. And that's plenty! It's in our contract that the principals can't have more than 18 hours of staff meetings a year. Some principals do two meetings a month, but ours just does one.
    I feel for you.

    Teaching Powered by Caffeine

  3. I love how long your reading blocks are - do you typically break them up into chunks - reading, phonics, grammar, etc? Or do you mesh it all together and just go with the flow?? My OCD self would have to chunk it up... lol

    And your staff meetings sound like ours! Granted, ours aren't as long, but we have one every Tuesday.

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  4. Oh my goodness! I see that you teach second grade AND departmentalize?! I haven't seen that before in the primary grades! Do you like it???

    Thank you so much for linking up!!

    Susan :)

  5. 2 hour faculty meeting every Monday?!? Wow! I hope it's useful, at least!

    Sometimes I wish I could try out being departmentalized, but we only do that in the older primary grades. Maybe some day!

    It's been fun reading about everyone's schedules!
    Katie :)
    KTP: Keep Teaching and Planning!
