Sunday, July 26, 2015

Giveaway time!

Hi everyone!

I'm going to keep it pretty short, sweet, and simple today!

I am super thrilled to have partnered up with Educents to give one lucky winner $50 in Edubucks! How awesome! With Educents' great deals, you can snag some super awesome greatness with that prize! 

To enter, simply follow the steps in the Rafflecopter below! All steps are mandatory and will be verified!

Giveaway ends Tuesday night so spread the word and tell your friends who would want to enter as well!

Before I go, just a heads up that I'll FINALLY be uploading my Ocean Edition Prove It within the next two days. After a technical glitch erased my ENTIRE FILE, I only have a couple more passages to create and I will have finished it (for a second time)! Gotta love technology my friends! :)

And in case you are wondering, YES it will be uploaded to the Growing Bundle so keep an eye out for the RE-DOWNLOAD notice! :) 

Good luck everyone!

Pin It!

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